These FAQs are here to help you find the information you need, when you need it, but you can always contact AskBU if you’d like to talk to someone in person, by phone or email, or if you have feedback about the FAQs.
"Travel and Transport" 21 FAQs
- When will I receive my Unibus bus pass code?
- Bringing family to the UK
- How can I purchase a Unibus pass ?
- How much does a young persons rail card cost and how can I get one?
- How do I get from Bournemouth Train station to Talbot Campus?
- How can I use Beryl Bikes and Scooters?
- When are the Bike Doctor dates?
- What buses can I use with my UNIBUS pass ?
- Where is the drop off/pick up zone on Talbot Campus?
- How do I change my accommodation booking bus pass choice?
- Does the University provide travel insurance whilst students are on placement abroad?
- BU Motorcyclist Users Group
- How do I stay safe walking/cycling to, from and around campus?
- Where can I find information about staff parking?
- Can I park my motorcycle on campus?
- Visitor Parking
- How do I apply for an 18+ Student Oyster card with Transport for London (TfL)?
- Is there parking for students at BU accommodation?
- Cycling to BU
- How can I travel to the University?
- How do I get to Bournemouth from the airport?