These FAQs are here to help you find the information you need, when you need it, but you can always contact AskBU if you’d like to talk to someone in person, by phone or email, or if you have feedback about the FAQs.
BU-managed property - If you are staying in Dorchester House, Student Village or a Unilet property, you will not have paid a deposit to secure your room. At the end of your tenancy, you will be notified by email of any damage or cleaning costs incurred. You will have 7 days to appeal this and details will be provided of how you can do this. If you do not appeal, you will receive an invoice after the 7 days have passed.
BU partner-managed accommodation - You should speak with your halls in the first instance about the deductions. If you still have problems they can advise on how to formally appeal.
For further information please check your terms and conditions, and if you need further help, please contact SUBU Advice, who can advise you further.