FAQ 557
Where do I hand in my keys when I leave my accommodation?

Student Village keys should be left either at Poole House reception or the Student Village office, located in House 55 in the Village.

UNILET keys should be returned to Lettings BU office or Poole House reception, Talbot Campus.

If you need a tag for your keys please pick one up from Student Village office or Lettings BU before leaving. If you are unable to place a tag on your keys please place keys in a clearly labelled envelope.

All other accommodation: you will need to hand your keys in to a member of the halls team. This would normally be done at the main reception. If you are planning on departing out of office hours please check with your halls team about where to leave your keys.

Important - please ensure that you have left your room as you found it. You could be charged for any additional cleaning required, or damage that is noted after you leave.