FAQ 3108
What accommodation is suitable for paramedics ?

Paramedic Science students need to consider the length of their accommodation contract and the parking available, as you may need a car for your placement. 

You can book accommodation in any of our halls. We offer dedicated paramedic student 42 week accommodation in the Student Village and at Cranborne House. These can be found by using the ‘attribute’ search on the Accommodation Portal when booking your room. 

Student Village at Talbot Campus. If you choose this accommodation, you can apply for a parking permit to park your car on Talbot Campus only.  Please email Accommodation Team for further information.

Cranborne House at the Lansdowne Campus. There is limited parking which can be applied for once you have finalised your booking. (contact bournemouth@clvuk.com for more information).  If you are unsuccessful in gaining one of those parking spaces you will need to find private parking either in local streets or multi-storey car parks via BCP council. 

Unilets are large shared houses in the community that are fully furnished and managed by BU.  We can offer a 41 week contract only, so you will need to find additional accommodation for the remaining 5 weeks. Some of the houses have parking or you can park your car on the nearby streets. Further information can be found on the Unilet web page.

Other Halls - there is minimal off-road parking around some of the halls of residence, otherwise there are local multi-storey carparks via BCP council where annual parking permits can be bought.