These FAQs are here to help you find the information you need, when you need it, but you can always contact AskBU if you’d like to talk to someone in person, by phone or email, or if you have feedback about the FAQs.
- If you believe you have an infectious illness please call your GP. If you have registered with the BU Medical Centre as your GP please see the Medical Centre page of our website for contact details. You can find more information on our wellbeing resources pages and on the contagious diseases page of our website.
- If you have been diagnosed with an infectious (contagious/ communicable) illness which is included on the UK Government's List of Notifiable Diseases please let us know by calling AskBU soon as possible.
- For life-threatening emergencies call 999. If you are on campus please call 01202 962222 instead of 999 as this will ensure help gets to you quickly. We will call 999 for you and our staff will know to direct the emergency services to your location.
- For urgent medical advice either call the 111 NHS helplineMUMPS OR MEASLES: If you have been diagnosed with (or think you may have) mumps or measles please let us know by calling AskBU as soon as possible. Please follow the advice given by your GP and the latest BU information regarding mumps. Please stay away from work or studies for at least five days from when the swelling begins.
COVID-19: If you think you have Covid-19 please see our FAQs web page for more information.
Meningitis / Septicaemia: It is important that everyone is aware of the signs and symptoms of both meningitis and septicaemia. For more information call the Meningitis Research Foundation Helpline 0808 800 3344 or Meningitis Now: 0808 80 10 388.