These FAQs are here to help you find the information you need, when you need it, but you can always contact AskBU if you’d like to talk to someone in person, by phone or email, or if you have feedback about the FAQs.
How do I reset my password?
You can change your password via the password reset tool or by visiting and clicking on the 'sign-in' button, then selecting 'Can't access your account?', then choosing 'Work or School account'. You will need your BU username available to begin the process.
Once registered you can reset your password by selecting the 'forgotten password' option.
Please note: Your username starts with a letter followed by several numbers e.g. s1234567. You do not need to include “”.
For more information you can also check the Multi-Factor Authentication and Self-Service Password Reset FAQs.
If you encounter any difficulty, please contact AskBU, or IT Services.