These FAQs are here to help you find the information you need, when you need it, but you can always contact AskBU if you’d like to talk to someone in person, by phone or email, or if you have feedback about the FAQs.
I am unable to login to Brightspace - Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
Please note: Your username starts with a letter followed by several numbers e.g. s1234567. For Brightspace and, you need to include “”.
If you are still having problems logging in, please contact the IT helpdesk on 01202 965515 and select option 1.
Please be aware that if you forget your password, but can remember the answers to your own security questions, you will be able to reset your password via the Password Reset Tool. If you are doing this for the first time, you will be required to complete the Register for self-service password reset.
Alternatively you can contact AskBU or visit the IT Services webpages.